Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be Land of Legend Antique Tractor Club, Incorporated.
Article II: Mission Statement
The purpose of the Land of Legend Antique Tractor Club is to promote the preservation and restoration of antique farm equipment and Ag related collectibles.
Article III: Membership
1. Family membership, $10.00 per fiscal year, includes children until age of 18 and spouses. There shall be one vote per paid membership.
2. No memberships shall be issued to corporations, firms, partnerships, or any organizations of any kind.
3. Membership shall be on a fiscal year basis starting on the first day of November and continuing through October 31st of the following year. Membership cards shall be available at the beginning of this membership period.
4. Dues must be paid in order to participate at the LOLATC events.
5. Post card reminders shall be mailed to members who have not paid their dues.
Article IV: Membership Meetings
1. An annual meeting for the election of officers shall be held the 2nd Wednesday in October. Term of office shall be one year.
2. Subsequent monthly meetings shall be held the 2nd Wednesday of every month unless notified at the previous meeting.
3. Social hour begins at 6:30 P.M. followed by the club meeting at 7:30 P.M.
Article V: Quorum of Members
1. A quorum of members shall consist of the members present at a regular meeting of the club and shall have the powers to transact the business of the club.
Article VI: Officers
1. Positions of Office
The officers of the club shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. The President may appoint a Newsletter Editor.
2. Election of Officers
At the annual election meeting, the President shall appoint two members who are active members of the club for the purpose of counting votes. These members shall not be candidates for election. One of these members shall announce the results of the election by name only.
Article VII: Duties of Officers
1. Duties of President
The President shall preside over all meetings of the membership, select committees, and lead the club to fulfill its purpose. The President, in the event an elected officer of the club is unwilling or unable to perform the duties of the office, shall appoint another member to fulfill the unexpired term of the office.
2. Duties of Vice President
The Vice President shall keep a record of all active members. The Vice President shall temporarily assume the duties and powers of the President in the event that the President is absent, unwilling, or unable to perform the duties of the office. In the event that both the President and Vice President are absent from a regular meeting, the Recording Secretary shall have full powers of President.
At the conclusion of his or her term, the Vice President shall surrender all club related documents to the incoming Vice President. If the incoming Vice President is not present, the President shall receive these documents and transfer them to the incoming Vice President. If the Vice President's term ends as a result of election, these aforementioned documents shall be surrendered at the November meeting.
3. Duties of Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the minutes of the membership meetings. The Recording Secretary, with the assistance of the Newsletter Editor, shall be the club's Historian and shall keep and display historical documents, photograph events, and maintain a history of the club and its activities. In the event that the Recording Secretary is absent, unwilling, or unable to perform these duties, the Corresponding Secretary shall assume the responsibilities for the Recording Secretary.
At the conclusion of his or her term, the Recording Secretary shall surrender all club related documents to the incoming Recording Secretary. If the incoming Recording Secretary is not present the President shall receive these documents and transfer them to the incoming Recording Secretary. If the Recording Secretary’s term ends as a result of election, these aforementioned documents shall be surrendered at the November meeting.
4. Duties of Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary shall send get-well cards to sick and shut-ins as needed and flowers or memorial gifts to families of members who have passed on. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for special events as assigned by the President; such as “Ladies Night Out”; securing location, taking reservations, collecting funds, and giving funds to the Treasurer.
5. Duties of Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all accounts generated by the club. The Treasurer shall give a monthly financial report of income, showing sources of income, report amount and nature of expenses paid, present bills for consideration, and report the balance contained in the club treasury. A copy shall be attached to the meeting minutes. In the event that the treasurer is absent, unwilling, or unable to perform these duties, the President shall give the financial report at the meetings. The Treasurer shall not disburse funds for non-recurring expenses in excess $100.00, without the approval of a majority vote of the members at a regular monthly meeting. Funds shall be deposited within 30 days of receipt.
At the conclusion of his or her term, the Treasurer shall surrender all club related documents, including computer-stored data, to the incoming Treasurer. If the incoming Treasurer is not present the President shall receive these documents and transfer them to the incoming Treasurer. If the Treasurer’s term ends as a result of election, these aforementioned documents shall be surrendered at the beginning November meeting.
6. Audit of Treasurer
The audit committee shall audit the club treasury once a year and show proof of the audit by producing a written report. Three (3) club members selected by the President shall conduct this audit. These three (3) participants shall sign document of any findings, recommendations, or approval that affirms the correctness of the audit.
Article VIII: Terms of Office
1. Officers’ Terms of Office
A President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected at the annual election meeting to serve a one (1) year term.
2. Officer Progression
There shall be no automatic progression of officers from one position to the next. All officers’ positions shall be elected.
Article IX: Change of By-Laws
1. Process of Changing By-Laws
In the event that these by-laws need to be revised, the President shall chair a by-laws committee, and appoint four (4) committee members from the active membership. The committee shall submit, the proposed revisions for consideration and approval by a majority vote of the quorum. Said submission shall be in writing, and consist of either an inclusion in the regular club newsletter, or a separate mailing. In either event, this mailing shall be sent so that members have at least a two (2) weeks notice of both the revisions and the meeting at which these revisions are to be voted upon.
2. By-Laws Revision Definition
A revision shall be defined as any change in the by-laws, including additions, deletions, or changes in wording.
3. By-Laws Purpose
These by-laws shall exist only for the functions and betterment of the club, and shall not exist to provide financial benefit to any individual(s).
Article X: Dissolution
1. Dissolution Announcement
A legal notice of corporate dissolution must appear in a regularly published Licking County newspaper that is available for purchase by the general public. Such notice is issued by the State of Ohio.
2. Dissolution Process
The club may be dissolved only by a 2/3-majority vote of the membership respondents. The dissolution vote notification shall be in written form, shall be sent and returned by mail, and shall specify the return due date. The club members shall receive at least two (2) weeks notice of such a vote.
3. Disposition of Funds
The club Corporation shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these by-laws and in the articles of incorporation and no part of said funds shall be distributed to any members of the club or its’ officers.
Upon dissolution of the club, any remaining funds shall be distributed to one or more legally organized and qualified charitable, educational, scientific, or philanthropic organizations to be selected by the members. Club funds shall not be distributed to any private organization, such as those organizations with meetings that are closed to the general public.
Article XI: Procedure and Legality
1. Meeting Procedure
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised Edition, shall govern the procedure and conduct of all meetings.
By-Laws Revision Record
Revision A October 8, 2014.
General revision adopted at membership meeting held at the Infirmary Park.